- Coverage AreaCustomerUnited Kingdom, European Union, America, Australia, Canada, Fiji, Georgia, Iceland, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, ph, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, za, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vatican City, VietnamMerchantGlobal
- ChannelOnline
- CurrencyConsumer CurrencyINR, USD, GBPProcessing CurrencyINR, USD, GBPSettlement CurrencyUSD, EUR, GBP
- TransactionMinimum LimitINR 1.00Maximum LimitUSD 100,000 (Open to discussion for Tier 1 global merchants)Payment Timeout30 minutes
- FeatureScheduled PaymentOne-click PaymentRefundsPartial RefundsMultiple Partial RefundsPayment GuaranteeRefund Risk
Why ChooseUPI?
In 2026 we expect India's ecommerce cross-border volumes through UPI to reach USD 92 billion, climbing to an estimated USD 155 billion in 2032.
UPI cites an active consumer base of over 330 million and more than 75% market share of all payments made in India.
In Dec 2023 alone, UPI processed over 12 billion transactions, the highest since its launch.
How It Works?
- Merchant
At checkout, the consumer chooses UPI as the preferred payment method.
- Customer Device
The consumer scans the QR code, enters their UPI ID or selects their UPI mobile application.
- Customer Device
The consumer reviews the payment details and confirms the payment by entering their 4 digit pin code.
- Merchant
The payment is confirmed.