- Coverage AreaCustomerAustria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Latvia, lt, Netherlands, Norway, SwedenMerchantGlobal
- ChannelOnline
- CurrencyConsumer CurrencyDKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEKProcessing CurrencyDKK, EUR, GBP, NOKSettlement CurrencyDKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEK
- TransactionMinimum LimitEUR 0.01Maximum LimitNonePayment Timeout7 days
- FeatureScheduled PaymentOne-click PaymentRefundsPartial RefundsMultiple Partial RefundsPayment GuaranteeRefund Risk
Why ChooseTrustly?
Trustly reports strong brand recognition across the Nordics: over 25% of Swedes and 30% of Finns have paid with Trustly in the last 12 months.
Refunds are paid instantly to consumers from the merchant’s balance with Trustly: Trustly research found 95% of consumers report same-day refunds make them more loyal to a merchant.
Trustly maximises conversion in AU, DE, EE, FI, LT, LV, NL and SE. According to Trustly, these markets comprise 75% of their 6.3M active EU users, where Trustly supports over 90% of consumer bank accounts.
How It Works?
- Merchant
At online checkout, the consumer chooses Trustly as the preferred payment method.
- Payment Methods
Return consumers choose their bank (saved bank appears at top); first-time users save bank account for future use.
- Payment Methods
Consumer logs into their bank account.
- Payment Methods
Consumer confirms the transaction using biometric authentication with Mobile BankID.